Montessori school generates 50+ leads monthly leading to 150 Enrollments in less than 12 months!

Imagine your school achieving results like this.

The professionalism of the company, right out of the gate, was super apparent. Right when we started working together, it was super smooth, the transition was fantastic and the content we started getting from 1GS was outstanding. It was a great partnership right from the beginning. 

The value, in many aspects, has been astronomical, just being able to create lead generation with our social media posts…to bring in new families…huge value there. Also helping with hiring our employees and skilled teachers.

Erin Renslow

Private School Marketing Case Study

The Challenge

Inspire Kids Montessori (IKM), led by CEO Diana Darmawaskita, faced a significant revenue drop and enrollment decline due to the pandemic shutdown. With two campuses to manage, Diana needed a robust solution to attract new students and fill classrooms.

The Solution

1GS Digital Agency partnered with IKM to revamp their online presence and marketing strategies, focusing on website design for schools and social media marketing for educational institutions. We redesigned their website, developed engaging social media content, and launched targeted campaigns to boost leads and enrollments.

Key Initiatives:

  • Website Redesign: Created a user-friendly, welcoming site that highlighted IKM’s mission and facilitated conversions, showcasing our expertise in website design for private schools and design for educational websites.
  • Social Media Strategy: Crafted content to engage parents, including educational posts, classroom insights, and interactive polls, demonstrating our proficiency in social media marketing for private schools and social media management for schools.
  • SEO Efforts: Improved organic traffic by 240% with targeted keyword strategies, enhancing IKM’s online visibility with SEO for schools and SEO for private schools.
  • Campaign Launches: Designed eye-catching ads that generated nearly 300 leads and 93 enrollments within 90 days, illustrating our skills in digital marketing for schools and digital marketing for private schools.

The Results

Our collaborative efforts led to remarkable outcomes:

  • Increased page ranking by over 260 spots, leveraging SEO for schools.
  • Gained 3300 new organic users, demonstrating effective digital marketing for educational centers.
  • Achieved a 28.9% rise in click-through rates.
  • Generated 300 leads and 93 enrollments within three months, showcasing our capability as a digital marketing agency for the education industry.

Marketing Funnel Results

New Enrollments
Leads in 90 Days
New Organic Visitors
0 +
Increase in CTR
0 %

5 Star Service

With continuous optimizations and strategic marketing, IKM now operates near full capacity at both campuses, solidifying their position as a leading Montessori school in the Phoenix area.

Ready to Transform Your School’s Marketing?
Contact us today for a FREE 30-minute Strategy Session and discover how we can make your school our next success story. We specialize in digital marketing for independent schools, digital marketing strategy for schools, and providing expert digital marketing consultants for schools.

Don't waste another minute.

Grow your school enrollments with a full funnel lead generation system.

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